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My inspiration is drawn from the many ideologies from Eastern philosophy, my inner-thinking and my experimenting with different media styles.  
Lyrical, atmospheric, and somewhat ethereal but serene, is how I would describe my paintings. Drawn to the texture of paint, I prefer to explore a canvas using large brushes, rather than detailed realism.

Through a lifelong study of classical music and the use of oil as a favourite medium, I reflect a strong melancholic side within many paintings. As a keen scuba diver with a passion for the sea.  I am inspired by the depths and intensity of our vast oceans, resulting in strong, contrasting and bold images.


While I did not start my career as a painter, my education within theology, philosophy, and clinical psychology, together with my keen interest in the sciences, astronomy, geology and history, have all established the framework of my creations.


I am constantly in search of living mindfully.  My daily routines and personal rituals strive to keep me in touch with everything around me with a passive, non-judgemental awareness, paying full attention to the present moment.


Each painting should speak for itself and be enjoyed without too much explanation.


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